two professionals

Benefits of K-12: Will Parents Gain from the Philippines’ Shift to the K-12 System?

Critics have always looked on to parents as the primary victims of the K-12 education system. Given the additional two years in high school, they insist that this program will bring no good and only additional financial burden for poor Filipino families.

Do you agree with this remark? Do you also worry about the costs of the new education system of your child? Forget all your economic troubles and take time to know the benefits of K-12 fully.

Benefits of K-12 Program to Enjoy

Twelve years of basic education is an international standard. With the new benefits of K-12 program, Filipino students are at the same league with the rest of the world.

Below are some of the rewards parents can get from the K-12 scheme:

K-12 program in public school is affordable.

Due to subsidies given by the government, the new program offers primary and secondary education in public schools at no cost, which is one of the first benefits of K-12. In private schools, DepEd approves and regulates tuition and other school fees.

K-12 offers a learner-centered curriculum.

With a student-centered curriculum, students will take a more active role in the learning process, the second of the benefits of K-12. They can choose what they will learn, how they will learn, and how they will evaluate their own learning. In senior high school, students can select the field they want to master. In addition, teachers can use the students’ mother tongue as a medium of instruction during the early years of their primary education (from Kinder to Grade 3). Not only will this make learning enjoyable and easy for students; it will also help address parents’ and families’ diverse needs, especially those with special cases and others that come from indigenous groups.

K-12 fosters gainful employment and entrepreneurship.

Unlike the previous education system where parents need to wait until their children graduate from college or are 18 years old to work, the additional two years in the K-12 program will prepare students for both employment and entrepreneurship. Graduates of the new system can instantly get a job after getting certificates and passing TESDA’s competency-based assessment. They may likewise choose to set up their own business or continue further education in college. All these options will help make every child competent, skilled, and highly employable.

Clearly, the new K-12 system in the Philippines is not just about a stretched curriculum and an additional financial stress on the parents. It targets and enhances children’s progress and future, too.

If you want to know more about the K-12 program, do your research and ask questions. Browse through our pages and read more articles from our site.